Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Freaking Fricka Frack

You know I was getting comfy, albeit a little antsy about March getting closer and our deadline to sale our land to buy Savannah was drawing near. 

I should have known better than to trust that feeling that the house is ours.

We got a call today from our realtor and someone has put another offer on the house.  Once that offer is accepted we have 48 hours to decide what we'll do. 

We can't buy Savannah without selling the land, so guess what our option is....

I know there's still the chance the seller will take pity on us and say no, I'm going to let these guys have it since they put an offer down first...it's a very small chance....like the size of a tick's turd.

If they bought our land we'd buy their house today, but I don't see that happening either.

If anyone can spend $18,500 on 5 acres of really great farmland in a small cute farming town in Oklahoma, let me know...if you can buy it within the next 48 hours that is.

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