Thursday, March 11, 2010

A week already??

PICT0621This time last week, we were anxiously waiting the time to leave to pick up Miss.  How did it go so fast?

I had wanted to do all sorts of things while she was down, and as it turns out we haven’t done much.  But we’re still having a blast, I hope she is too.  I am ignoring the fact that the 16th is coming in a few days, because I don’t want her to leave.  I know I miss her when she’s not here, but when she’s here its like WOW I totally miss her more than I thought.  No that is not to make you feel bad for leaving Honey Cheeks, so don’t even go there, LOL.

Even though this is my normal, its not hers.  And she totally needs some relaxation for a few days.  It is a vacation for her after all.  Hopefully I can send her back home, relaxed and ready to handle all the junk back home in the best way possible.  Its the only help I can give.

This is our cat, Pixels, or Kitler since she has a Hitler mustache.  I personally prefer Pixels but no one seems to care…or they do and call her Kitler to annoy.  Who would do such a thing???  She’s been laying by Miss’ shoes for a while now.  I watched her circle them, smell them, even rub her face on them before she laid down and got comfy.  Even my cat is in love with this girl.  I think we’ll all be sad to see her leave.


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