Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bitten off more than I can chew...

I've signed up for things lately to keep me busy, to keep me from being bored and to give me something other than being a mom and doing the laundry to think about.

Except now I've signed up for too much and had to back out of being a book reviewer :(. Literary Escapism is a website for Fantasy and Paranormal book reviews.  Since I read a lot of SciFi/fantasy, I was beyond excited to apply.  I started an email yesterday to them at 8am, and I didn't get it finished until 1pm.  It wasn't a long email by any means, just answering a few questions they'd sent me, but with my headache, taking care of the kids, trying to do things around the house, trying to work on two blog posts, and updates and a new look for Bottled Nonsense blah blah etc., it took me hours to do and its the only thing I actually finished.  There's no way I could keep up with deadlines and getting books read on time, like this. 

So dissapointed today, but it's easier to handle this than the stress of trying to keep up.


Hopefully the next time they are looking for a new reviewer I can apply then.  Now I have to sit down and map out how much time I'll be spending on everything else so I'm not doing it all at once.

That's kinda hard to do, you know.

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