Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Holy smokes it is cold outside today!  It's 27F right now, the snot in my nose froze the second I opened my door....mwuahaha for that visual.

I woke up this morning perky.

Eeek did I just say that?

OMG I did, stop the presses.

I think all the coughing and blowing my nose has dislodged something in my noggin, cause this NEVER happens.

I got up at 6, had my coffee and I kid you not had a plan for the day.  Yup, a plan.  Normally I wing it for the most part.  But this morning I was like: morning routine (dishes, laundry, sweeping, etc), organize Xmas presents and other items....etc. I won't bore you with all of it but there is more.  I wrote down 4 small things to tackle first on my white board.  Once I'm done with those I'll add 4 more.  I'm thinking fluttery FlyLady thoughts to keep me going and setting my timer. 

I don't know about you, but I'm getting on my own nerves here.

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