Thursday, September 08, 2011

Today's agenda

One, wake the hell up...that may take us a while longer than planned.

Two, clean the kitchen.

Three, fantasize about that hot new Superman Henry Cavill and his tight suit again...oh wait that wasn't supposed to go on this list...ahem.

Four...still doing #3 and #1 still hasn't happened yet...maybe I should slow down.

I hope you don't mind...damn now got that song stuck in my head...but I plan on writing every day about this SAHM stuff.  Not just OMG my son is driving me nuts, although there will be plenty of those posts too.  I'm not alone in trying to build my home so it's peaceful and running smoothly.  I'm not alone in having a child that's slowly and steadily becoming unmanageable.  Nor having a toddler who will either break me or harden me.  Or having a husband who works long hours and isn't able to help out around the house all that much.  I'm not alone, and I'd really really love to get a group of women gathered who are in the same boat as me to give/get support and tips.  I'd like to have weapons in my arsenal to share with everyone.  So that's what I'm doing.  I'm building it.

Today's main projects are: 15 minute cleaning in each room, 'school time' with Jocelyn, outside with the kids in the afternoon, and a family activity after dinner.  Side projects are: menu for next week, coupon clipping (yup and someone is going to teach me the extreme coupon skill, yippee), and gathering author info LE...oh and research to see if there are any local SAHM group and if not maybe creating on...gasp.

What are you doing today?


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